LiteSpeed Cache for PrestaShop now Available!

Written by Rod 0 Comments
Great news for PrestaShop users - you can now make your store lightning fast, thanks to LiteSpeed Cache, which is now fully compatible with Prestashop versions 1.6 and up!

LiteSpeed Cache is a user friendly, high-performance page cache module that will help to greatly speed up your PrestaShop store, while also optimizing and reducing CPU load in just a few clicks, allowing you to handle more visitors.

And when we say fast, we mean it - we're talking about a time to first byte of <100ms, making total page loads times of under 1 second easily within reach.

That's awesome for your user experience, but moreover, a fast website can significantly improve your search engine rankings and increase the number of visitors and prospective customers your business converts - so vital for e-commerce stores!

Here are a few benefits of using LiteSpeed Cache for PrestaShop

  • Uses the super-fast caching capabilities that are built directly into LiteSpeed. Easily achieve sub-second page load times!
  • The cache automatically purges when you change content, pricing etc.
  • Shopper information can be cached privately and auto purged when the information changes.
  • Support for cart and account sign in are built in. This means that when a logged-in user visits a product page, the page is served from cache too.
  • Updates to the shop admin area automatically trigger a purge of any related pages in the cache.
  • The cache can be manually flushed from witihn the PrestaShop admin panel.
  • Support for multiple stores, mutli-language, multi-currency, geolocation, and mobile views.
  • Compatible with CloudFlare and other CDNs.

Sounds good... What's next?

LiteSpeed Cache is available as standard on all of our Business Hosting Plans. LiteSpeed Cache can also be enabled as a paid addon to our Solo and Startup plans.

If you're an existing Kualo customer with a plan that supports LiteSpeed Cache already, just click the LiteSpeed icon in cPanel to enable it.

If you're not on a compatible plan or are on a plan which requires the LiteSpeed addon, please get in touch by raising a sales query on our helpdesk, and we'll be happy to outline what's involved, and also offer you a 7 day free trial if you'd like to try!


Installing LiteSpeed Cache for PrestaShop

Once LiteSpeed has been enabled on your account, the final step is to install the cache module in Prestashop. Please take a look at our knowledgebase article for detailed steps on how to install the module, available here.

Still need assistance?

Let our friendly support team know! We'll be glad to help get this setup for you. Contact us on our helpdesk

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About the Author

Rod is a systems administrator at Kualo.